

PART 2: The Underground Frontier

Ballhaus Ost, Berlin

With EMPIRE OF OIL, the Costa Compagnie in cooperation with the Ballhaus Ost starts a substantial inquiry into this most decisive resource: divided into three separate media and parts, the project circles the complex topic oil and looks into the two contrary countries of Norway and Iraq. Does the powerful resource entail the potential for a social welfare utopia like Norway or does it lead to a never-ending war like in Iraq? What are the experiences of oil producers and oil workers and the people in their local context? Between November 2017 and May 2018, the group develops three intermedial performances and a virtual reality film between documentation and abstraction, based on the 360°-video material that they filmed on-site in Stavanger, Bergen, Kristiansand, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Kirkuk and Mosul.

After PART 1 – a documentary video-work in an immersive 360°-video space – PART 2 will take a text-based approach in order to question our relation to war and consumerism, environment and territory. Will an the audience encircling round-horizon enable a medial reflection of these opposites? Are there certain aesthetics to the oil-rich underground – the hidden? And will we survive the oil-age?

In May 2018, a dance performance and a VR-film that integrates all parts will conclude the the inter-media discourse on this globally critical issue.

Premiere 01. Feb 2018
Further Shows  02 / 03 Feb 2018

Further Shows  24-27 May 2018

In English and German Language


Part 1: A Research in 360°
Further Shows  24-27 May 2018


Part 3: An Infinite Ending (Tanz)
Premiere on 24 May 2018

Part 4: Virtual Reality Installation
Premiere on 24 May 2018 / online

Performance Martin Hansen, Timothy Lalonde, Anna-Lena Pappe Voice-Over Hauke Heumann, Maria Walser Artistic Director, Research, 360°-Camera Felix Meyer-Christian Stage, Costume Zahava Rodrigo Projection Mapping, Programming, Video Erik Kundt Composition , Soundart Marcus Thomas Dramaturgie Caroline Erdmann Video Stéphanie Morin, Miguel Murrieta Vasquez Komposition , Soundart Marcus Thomas Dramaturgy-Assistant Lena Mallmann Production-Assistant Nicole Nowak Grafik Fanny Wühr

Funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and with kind support by Optoma Germany and the Goethe Institut Iraq, Liaison Office Erbil.

