Traces of the USA
Lecture Performance about the Research in the USA
For research on the withdrawal of US troops from Heidelberg after 68 years of presence, two artists of costa compagnie and two ensemble members of the theater and orchestra Heidelberg traveled to the US in January 2014 and interviewed more than 30 witnesses about their memories and experiences in the city on the Neckar from 1945 to 2013. Between New York and San Francisco, the team collected impressions of family biographies, wars and world politics in the recent decades, visited historically relevant places for the German-American relations and filmed among others with their video-drone the cities and landscapes where the witnesses lived and worked.
In TRACES OF THE USA, all performers, dancers and other artists of the production CONVERSION_1 / A GERMAN-AMERICAN CHOGEOGRAPHY will now guide the visitors through the building of 5-divisions-theater along different stations and present their research results in a multimedia and performative approach. The visitors will gain an insight into the artistic process, ask questions about the encounters and the methods and have the opportunity to examine and critically question the extensive material and its further use.
DO | 13. Februar 2014 | 19:30 h
Meeting at the main entrance, Theater and Orchester Heidelberg
Paolo Amerio*
Toni Jessen
Paul Garbers
Katharina Kellermann
Eylien König, Felix Meyer-Christian
Elena Nyffeler*
Stawrula Panagiotaki
Jonas Plümke
Jascha Viehstädt
Maria Walser
Sonja Winkel*
* Members of the Theater and Orchesters Heidelberg
Funded through the FONDS DOPPELPASS by the
in Cooperation with the Theater and Orchester Heidelberg