A 360° Panoramic Trip into the World of Food Production
Worldpremiere on 24 February 2022
How much we have all surrendered to industrial agriculture is the subject of the Dresden BĂĽrgerbĂĽhne. In their research performance, the performers refrain from any pedagogical index finger. (…) But one would not want to reduce this non-polemical work to documentary. It is too sensual and atmospheric for that. The audience is always in the middle of things, first in an archaic or associatively mythological landscape, then in the midst of reclusive farms, sandstone cliffs of the Saxon Switzerland, later in laboratories, wholesale warehouses or alternative stores. In between, projections of forests and nature videos repeatedly remind us of the surroundings of our ancestors and the origins of our imprints, which still have an impact today.
Is the meat industry still a model for the future? Does sugar kill more people every year than all the wars put together? Should I stop eating avocados if I still want to sleep with a clear conscience? Food has become a complex matter. Every purchase becomes an ideological question of principle: cheap or healthy, exquisite or regional, fair or profitable? Food production is one of the most future-oriented global industries. Nestlé, Unilever and similar multinational companies not only determine what ends up on the table, but are also involved in social and ecological conflicts on the entire planet. On the other hand, more and more farmers are switching to organic farming, growing original varieties again and asking themselves how they can escape mass production. Should we return to traditional methods or revolutionize food production?
Together with citizens of Dresden, the artists will explore the ecological, political and social dimensions of our daily food supply. The result is an immersive, multimedia theatre performanceWe are looking for citizens who are professionally or privately involved with the topic of nutrition in the most diverse facets: whether farmer, nutrition activist, self-supporter, nutritionist, organic farmer, food chemist, butcher, frutarian, fan of Paleo or vegan food or someone who often goes container shopping – we need your expertise! in which the audience is seated in a 360° circular horizon developed by the Costa Compagnie and is thus placed right in the middle of food production.
Info Meeting
We are looking for citizens who are professionally or privately involved with the topic of food production in the most diverse facets: whether farmer, nutrition activist, self-supporter, food chemist, butcher, frutarian, fan of Paleo or vegan food or someone who enjoys „containern“ – we need your expertise!
An information meeting will take place in November 2022 in the Kleines Haus Mitte. Rehearsals will take place between December 2021 and February 2022. No previous theatre experience is necessary.
Information / Registration
Phone 03 51.49 13-664
Director, Writer and Camera: Felix Meyer-Christian Stage-Design: Zahava Rodrigo Costume-Design and Support Stage-Design: Kerstin Griesshaber Costume-Design: Sabrina Bosshardt Camera, Editor, Color: Keren Chernizon Support Editing and Camera: Thomas Oswald Editor, Mapping, 3D-Animation: Erik Kundt Music: Marcus Thomas Dramaturgy: Sabrina Bohl Performance and Text: Martin Andersson, Toni Christoph, Fritzi Hamann, Susanne Heber, Emilia Xenodochius
A production of the State Theatre Dresden